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Technology Got You Down? Check Out These IPad Tips

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Posted on: 08/31/22

The simplicity of the iPad is both what makes it so attractive and what can make it difficult to use. It takes a good base of knowledge to be able to turn the iPad from a fun toy into a real tool. This article has all the advice you need, so read on.

If your friends own iPads too, you can share your entire music and video library with them. Open your ITunes app and activate the home sharing function. You also need to enter your Apple ID in the music and video menu of your iPad. To access a shared library, open a music or video app and select more. You will then have access to a list of shared libraries.

Fed up with being asked to join different Wi-Fi networks? There is an easy way to fix this issue in the Wi-Fi Settings. Simply turn off the Ask to Join settings. You will still be able to join networks; however, you will need to go to Wi-Fi settings and join from there.

Choose between Orientation Lock and Mute. Older versions of the iPad featured an "Orientation Lock" button on the side of the device. The button remained on later versions, but its function was switched to "Mute." If you preferred the older function, you can access a setting in the General Settings menu to set it back to its original function.

Take Apples iTours to get yourself familiar with your new iPad. It is fun to have all these exciting new apps, but sometimes you could use a little help figuring out how to use them. Apple has an online video tour for every app that comes preinstalled on your device, so be sure to take a look at them.

You dont have to use the film roll icon to look at pictures. Simple swipe right with a single finger and you will see your video or photo. To view previous photos you have taken, just keep swiping to the left.

If you enjoy frequently using smiley face or alternate emoticons, have the Emoji keyboard. To get this keyboard, tap settings, then General, and finally, Keyboard. Tap the international keyboards icon and look for Emoji. To add it, all you have to do is simply tap it. The next time you see the onscreen keyboard, it will be there.

Are your spotlight searches taking too long? You can restrict the folders that are searched by going into your settings. Tap on general and select Spotlight search. You can then choose which folders will be included in your search, which is very useful if you only use this search feature to find media content.

A great feature of the iPad is the zoom features. You can easily zoom in and out of any website by pinching with two fingers on the screen. This will help you select tiny links or features when they are larger. You can also double-tap on any image or text to enable auto-zoom.

Using AirPrint, you can print straight from your iPad, as long as you have a compatible printer. AirPrint works with most newer HP printers. If you have a Mac, you can use the Printopia app to print to any Mac printer. To use AirPrint, simply go to the share menu and choose print--thats it!

With the tips here, you are now geared to make your iPad the machine you need it to be. Whether you want to use it for word processing or just game play, it can be all you need and more. Enjoy your new technology and take good care of it so it can last for many years.

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